Monday, June 22, 2009

Disco pants.

Meet Shermine. She LOVES disco. And these pants. And why not? Who isn't dying to get into a disco diva's pants?
Um, ok, these are unflattering to say the least. What is with the classic mom high waist/ super tight, "1982's mistake" cut? And a cropped top with pumps. They had to go all the way. Well, I guess all the way is the only way to go, Disco Diva.
We here at the Common Sense Fashion Committee get the no sweatshop, made in the USA coolness of American Apparel, but we do not get this. These also come in shorts, and I mean SHORTS.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Found! Coveralls?

Coveralls and jumpsuits are different, seriously. Who doesn't covet the ease and style of your neighborhood mechanic's everyday go to item? We, of the Common Sense Fashion Committee declare these coveralls good. Hear us out... Yes, we know they aren't for everyone. But they are COMFORTABLE and different, which is always good. There is something vaguely art-school cool about these. You can find them for $118 at Free People.